
Markets Media: Tipping point reached for institutions in crypto


Markets Media: Tipping point reached for institutions in crypto


Growing confidence in crypto custody capabilities is also being led by the entry of established industry participants. Last year traditional custodians Northern Trust, Bank of New York Mellon, Nomura, Standard Chartered, BBVA, and DBS have said they will enter the digital asset space.

Anton Katz, founder and chief executive of Talos, which provides an institutional-grade technology infrastructure that supports the full lifecycle of digital assets trading, said financial institutions like BNY Mellon are responding to client demand. He continued that over the past nine months the sentiment has rapidly changed from “the institutions are coming” to “the institutions are here.”

“At Talos, we’ve seen tremendous growth in both overall usage and inbound requests from institutions looking to provide end-to-end trade lifecycle support for digital assets to their clientele.” Katz added. “It was only a matter of time before the larger financial institutions entered the market, and we’re extremely excited about this next phase of digital assets evolution.”

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