Talos White Label Platform

Enable your customers to trade digital assets – without the complexities of building the technology yourself. Talos’s sell-side solutions include a comprehensive White Label platform that allows banks, broker-dealers and other service providers the ability to seamlessly tailor a trading experience for their customers.

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Unlock an Award-Winning Trading Experience for Your Customers


Whether through an interface customized for your business and brand, or through your own interface powered by a Talos API, efficiently establish a high-performance digital assets trading capability for your customers. 

With Talos, you can accelerate your time to market, scale your business, and save on technology and engineering costs. Run your entire trading business on the Talos platform with the ability to customize a solution for your workflows.

Key Features

  • Customizable user interface
  • Customer pricing engine
  • Order handling
  • Pre- and post-trade hedging
  • Position management and ledgering
  • Treasury and settlement

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Find out how Talos can simplify the way you interact with the digital asset markets.